>Projects >2024 >Astrid (Doppel), 2022 // Astrid (Betrachtung), 2024

Sophie Meuresch

Astrid (Doppel), 2022 // Astrid (Betrachtung), 2024

Astrid (Doppel), 2022
2-channel video, two 55 inch monitors, 6:53 min, loop, no sound
Link to the video on request

Astrid (Betrachtung), 2024
5 b/w photographs in 15×21,5 cm, fine art prints, metal frame
The 2-channel video portrait »Astrid (doppel)« is set at the interface of photography and moving image and focuses on the gaze and especially the pose. The pose is like a »pre-photographic photograph« (Kaja Silverman): With the pose, the subject attempts to gain agency over the process of becoming an image by trying to anticipate the outcome. In »Astrid (Betrachtung)« we encounter Astrid’s gaze up close in five images.
»In the portrait, our possibility of being present is visibly created, withdrawn and decided before our eyes.«
(Jean-Luc Nancy: ‘The Other Portrait’)


Sophie Meuresch (*1994, Braunschweig, DE) lives and works in Leipzig. Her photographic series and video (& sound) installations deal with themes of repetition, approximation and the performative. A particular focus is on the portrait and the process of image making. She studied Fine Arts at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen, at the National Institute of Design in Gandhinagar (India) and at the HGB Leipzig. Her work has been exhibited at Camera Austria, the Luma Arles Foundation, the Goethe Institute Mumbai, the f/stop 9th Festival for Photography in Leipzig, Kunstquartier Bethanien and Pact Zollverein.
