Pavle Nikolić
BLADES is a photo series from 2019 in which razor blades are used as props that disturb or harmonize with the images they are in. It’s one of the first photo series I’ve done, and considering my focus always has been and still is on creating single images, it was the first time I decided to intentionally work with a specific object in multiple images.
Meine Beschäftigung mit Rasierklingen bleibt während der gesamten Serie an der Oberfläche, da sie aus reiner fotografischer Anfängerneugier entstanden ist – ein Objekt in verschiedene Erzählungen einzubringen, um symbolische Darstellungen auszuprobieren und zu sehen, was passiert, wenn X und Y aufeinandertreffen und interagieren, um eine visuelle Sprache zu entwickeln. Es war die erste Reaktion auf mein Interesse an der Fotografie im Zusammenhang mit den Inhalten, die ich online sah und las.
Pavle Nikolić was born in 2001 in Niš, Serbia. In 2019, after graduating from high school at the department for mathematics and natural sciences, he moved to Vienna to study Applied Photography and Time-based Media at the University of Applied Arts. Pavle’s work examines the transformational aspects of photography by linking subjects and acts of potentially destructive character to those of a mild or neutral nature, such as aggression and affection, or intrusion and care. These notions interact in the images through variously connotated subjects and their symbolic and literal implications, and by crossing the threshold after which they turn into one another. The starting point for his work stems from language and the ways it is and can be used, (so) language-specifific references are frequently present.
Pavle has been getting commissioned and having his work shown in various publications and exhibition since 2015.