>Projects >2022 >The Last Visit

Davide Cerretini

The Last Visit

Italy is going through a moment of transition, it perceives its roots as a burden, something to get rid of. In this way it launches an impetus towards the future.
Materials science would call it a phase transition, a system going through a change in its physical properties.
Es ist jedoch faszinierend zu sehen, dass während des Wandels zwei gegensätzliche Realitäten nebeneinander existieren können, die einander völlig fremd sind: In der “flüssigen Gesellschaft” sind die Traditionen wie Klumpen, die darum kämpfen, zu schmelzen.
Icons and faces, which do not belong to this time, try to hide in plain sight, like a museum next to its inauguration.


Davide Cerretini (b. 1995) is an Italian photographer. He studied Philosophy at Pisa university but spent most of the time focusing on his photographic growth. His work has been displayed at Brick Lane Gallery in London in 2019 and has been part of ImageNation 2019 at Galerie Joseph in Paris. Since 2020 he is managing a social darkroom in Tuscany. Over the years his works have been published in several magazines such: Pellicola Magazine, Perimetro and C41.eu
